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3 Ways Crystal is Already Experiencing Radiance!

After a long hard year, full of family strife and old wounds resurfacing, Crystal Harmoneious was feeling out of touch with her body and herself. She found that she'd gained 30 lbs and was living in a steady state of nervous system elevation.

She is a Yoga Studio Owner who teaches 5 classes a week, but wasn't making time to practice.

Combined with becoming a new mother and running her two businesses, she felt she needed something to support her in making changes. Doing it alone simply wasn't happening.

Since joining the winter round of Radiance she's already seeing changes in her habits and behaviors!

After just ONE private session with me last month -

she shared with me the 3 major ways she is already feeling more herself!

  1. She's lost 5lbs! And feels she is on her way to losing more. She is also more conscious of her emotional eating habits and feels like she's noticing her stress responses!

2. She's more patient with her daughter AND herself. Giving her permission to do the movement practice from bed has been a GAME-CHANGER. She's been doing the somatic movements daily and feels she is calmer and more gentle with herself as well as parenting more in alignment with her values!

3. Her aches and pains have vanished! She feels more comfortable in her body! The nagging, stubborn shoulder and back pain has ceased and she's more comfortable being active and productive as a result!

Crystal is the type person who will make MONUMENTAL and LIFE-CHANGING progress in The Radiance Program

She's wicked smart and capable and is continusously gathering tools for healing and service to the world.

NOW, it's time for her to receive space to replenish, heal, integrate and align.

I am so honored to be her guide in the somatic journey of a lifetime!

And I know that every miraculous experience and wisdom that Crystal gains in Radiance will be paid forward to her clients, students and community.

When we take care of ourselves, truly, madly, deeply: we increase our capacity to serve, give and truly make the world a better place.

In her own words:

"Since our session last month I have actually realized that I was emotionally eating!

I am now able to make choices from an informed very aware place

Since you gave me permission to do the Somatics movement practices from bed I’ve been doing it every day and it has translated into me being a better more patient mom, more awareness around my emotions and what needs my attention rather then using food to stuff down emotions.

I have been more productive yet more kind and gentle with myself when I need a break from the productivity.

And lastly I have felt really comfortable in my body and nagging pain that I had been experiencing in my low back and shoulder are non-existent!

I know that this 6 month program will help me further integrate all these positive changes and learn even more about myself through this process."

Somatic Education is the missing link in your wellness and vitality. Addressing your nervous system and the way your brain is organizing your muscles will not only stop tension and pain, but keep it from reoccurring. In the process, you will return to your TRUE and authentic self, beyond the stress/trauma pattern of life.


Get $600 off plus a BONUS 90 min 1:1 session that can use between now and when the program starts on Nov. 4th 2023

You can start making the change now!


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